A space for any thoughts, findings, treasures and love.


What does Self-Nurture look like?

Image of a woman looking out a window holding a rose

Self-Nurturing, or Self-Nurturance, is the act of nurturing oneself by recognising the most important thing we can do is to fill our own cup first.

This relates to giving to ourselves after deep diving into our emotional, spiritual, mental and physical self-care needs.

A harmonious connection to self, I believe, is the basis to a harmonious connection to other areas in our lives. 

How can we connect to self?

We can do this via our spirituality, whether that be a solitary spiritual practice or in a more traditional sense with a local church group or religion. 

Our connection to something greater than ourselves can lead to feelings of gratitude, which can in turn change how we view the challenges we face in our daily lives. It also gives us emotional and mental resilience.

Mental resilience is a big deal

We need to feel that we are seen and understood by others, but in order to do that we must first see and understand ourselves:

  • What do you need?

  • What has shaped you? 

  • What beliefs have you told yourself that no longer serve you?

  • What makes you feel good? 

  • What makes you feel alive?

  • What can you give to yourself that makes you feel important to you because you matter?  

Feel into your body, where are you feeling emotion, pain, a sense of being stuck, a tension or tightness?  Our bodies tell us so much more than we give them credit for. 

I believe that our bodies, tap away at us when we are out of harmony with ourselves and our environment.  When we don’t listen, after time, our bodies will give us a louder tap or wake up call, otherwise known as a medical or emotional emergency. 

Mental health is not to be taken lightly and any sort of circumstance can upset our balance.

The key is to know when to ask for help. If you have feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, sleeplessness, irritability, excessive or addictive behaviour it is important to seek assistance. 

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Sometimes we need a hand to reach into our black hole and help us climb out of it. 

"Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage” - Brene Browne

Woman walking self-reflectively along road

Our physical body is our temple. It tells us what it needs, we just need to tune in. 

When you are feeling out of sorts, overwhelmed, or upset, instead of just reaching for that packet of Tim-Tams, ask yourself:

  • Why I am reaching for these?

  • What am I feeling in my body that wants me to soothe it with food that I know is full of sugar, and additives that will only add to the load on my body? 

  • What can I do instead, that is within my control to choose a better feeling in my body? 

  • Can I take some deep breaths to soothe my nervous system or reach out to a loved one for a hug and/or a chat?

  • Can I take a bath, or a power nap? 

  • Can I sit and just colour-in with the kids for 20 minutes? 

  • Or take the dog for a walk, which will get those good feeling hormones going by being out in the fresh air, clearing your mind and nervous system, moving your body, and I am sure you will be making your dog happy too.

Nurturing our body with food we know that is good for us is one of the most important self-care actions we can do for ourselves.

I believe that we intuitively know what types of foods help us or hold us back.  

It really can be easy, with fresh whole foods with little to no additives, like sugar.

You are really all you have...

Support yourself. You need to have your own back…always. 

The very fact that you are alive makes you a miracle and that miracle deserves all the love you can give it.

If you feel like you need some help to self-nurture, I am here to help. 

Book a Health and Wellness Assessment with me below or Learn More here


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