About Self-Nurture
Hi, I'm Kylie
I am a different kind of person that sees the value in every person and what they have to offer in this world.
I can see what you don’t see, that is my superpower!
I believe that all women can enjoy their lives.
The nitty-gritty friction points that shake us to the ground can be the very things that make us shine.
My Story
I have been a registered nurse for more than 20 years.
My main areas of nursing have been varied and include paediatrics, orthopaedics, emergency, palliative care, and working for the Australian Red Cross.
These experiences have given me vast knowledge in the medical field, but have also given me insight into humanity and the various ways we respond to fear, trauma, life and death.
Are our life events and health connected?
While nursing in Palliative care, I felt there must be a way to stop people from getting to this point.
What brings us to such disease, environment, genetics, lifestyle?
I have learned that emotion and disease go hand-in-hand.
Similarly, I have noticed an associative theme with the life experience or trauma a person experienced with certain chronic diseases and terminal illnesses.

The Importance of Nutrition
I believe that what we put into our body is part of the most crucial process in our daily lives. This has led me to study health coaching at the Institution of Integrative Nutrition (IIN).
Second to that is our emotions and the beliefs we have about ourself.
Nutrition is so important for our bodies to function and cope with the demands of our daily lives. It can impact our emotions, energy levels and how we feel about our daily life.
Mindset, personal and learned beliefs we have about ourselves dictates how we go about our daily lives and how we experience life in its entirety.
My Breaking Point
My life took a devastating turn when my relationship ended with the father of my children. I became a solo parent.
As you can imagine, this was a tumultuous time and the emotions of myself, and my children were difficult to navigate. But as time went on the pressure to be EVERYTHING started to weigh on me heavily.
I was Mum/Dad/cook/cleaner/gardener/driver/ fixer of all things.
I worked hard to keep a roof over our heads, and we lived week-to week.
Partner all of this with a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis, having poor boundaries and being a classic over-giver who could not say no, I burnt out and reached a very low point in my life. A point where I did not want to go on living. I just could not be all the things any longer.
I was drowning in a sea of responsibility and spreading myself too thin. I felt like the pieces of myself where scattered everywhere and there was no piece of me left for me, I belonged to everyone else.

The Path to Self-Nurturing Myself
My lightbulb moment occurred when I realised the only person who could change this was me.
I needed to feel whole.
Slowly, I brought all the scattered pieces of me together, and began to fill my own cup first. Treating myself this way enabled me to take better care of my health, my mental well-being and in turn, take better care of my family.
I took the reins back of my own life and steered it in the direction I wanted to go.
I began eating whole foods, reducing sugar, grains and dairy from my daily diet, which in turned healed my PCOS.
I joined an online women’s exercise community, which gave me the support I needed to change my mindset and become healthy and strong.
The most important lesson I learned is to allow people to help you. There is no shame in asking for support.
The Creation of Self-Nurture Wellness Coaching
Self-Nurture Wellness Coaching came about from my journey, experience and belief that all women can enjoy their lives.
This a place where I will hold space for you.
A place where we can become comfortable with the uncomfortable and deep dive into who you are...removing the friction points in your life to create the life you want to live.
Explore how I can help you today.