1:1 Coaching Program
My coaching services are currently offered through my 12-Week Health Coaching Program, Inner Alchemy. This is for women who are seeking change and want to love their life.
Experience growth and change through weekly 1:1 coaching sessions. Learn More...
Why Inner Alchemy?
My 12-Week Coaching Program, Inner Alchemy, aims for you to gain a sense of fulfilment in your life after learning how to make your own health and wellness your number one priority.
Inner Alchemy will teach you how to better connect with your sense of self. You will learn to identify the spiritual, emotional, physical and nutritional requirements you need to confidently maintain your own health and wellbeing.
Key Learning and Goals
Throughout our work together, we will deep dive into where you have been, where you are now and where you would like to be.
My initial focus is on what we call 'Primary Food'. Primary Food is our connections to our family, our friends, our work or where we spend most of our time, our environment, and most important of all ourselves.
Then we will focus on Secondary Food and Bio-Individuality. This relates to what we put in our mouth. You may think that sounds strange, but the connection between Primary Food and Secondary Food are closely related.
Sometimes when life becomes tough and overwhelming, you may subconsciously feel the only thing you can control is what you put in your mouth.
Bio-individuality also plays a pivotal role in determining the best way forward for you to achieve the empowerment you are looking for. It involves the concept of Bio-Individuality and the type of food you are consuming.

What to Expect
To begin the process, we will hold an initial assessment so that I can gain an understanding of who you are and where you're at. The assessment is FREE and goes for 30 minutes. Learn more and book your Assessment here.
Health Questionnaire
After our initial assessment, I will email a Health Questionnaire form for you to complete. This further helps me to a gain better understanding of where you are in your health and wellness journey.
Please be honest in completing this form, there is no judgement from me regarding your health history.
Honest communication with me helps me to help you.
Agreement and Invoice
Once I have received your completed Health Questionnaire I will request an invoice for payment. Receipt of your payment will act as an agreement and commitment to Inner Alchemy.
We will then get started.
A Personalised Coaching Program
I will tailor my coaching specifically to suit the requirements you need. We will work through the program together. Using the skills I have learned and the tools in my coaching toolkit, we will identify self-limiting beliefs, where you are on the wheel of life, and use smart goals to get you to where you want to be.
Wellness Kit
You will receive a 'Wellness Kit' from me with a few goodies to help you stay anchored in the vision of the new you as you begin your wellness program.
Support and Teamwork
Together, we will focus on the emotional, physical, behavioural, nutritional, environmental and lifestyle factors that are needed to enhance your overall health and wellbeing.
We will deep dive into all areas of your life, including:
Connection: Become confident and fulfilled in your connections with others. I will help to you to enhance those connections by helping you to identify and remove barriers and blockages with those you love.
Nutrition: I will look at the food you consume daily and see where we can tweak your food groups so you can confidently nurture yourself to obtain optimal nutrition specifically for you. This includes learning how to read food labels, pantry audits, shopping lists and so much more.
Lifestyle: Together, we will simplify to amplify. We will help you move from fear, overwhelm and exhaustion to live a life you love.
I will help you to create space for you where you will nurture yourself with habit stacking techniques. Utilising exercise, journalling, meditation, and downtime (whatever that looks like for you, and without the guilt).
Environment : Declutter your outer world and reduce environmental toxins in your daily life. When we do this, we limit the exposure to hormone disruptors we use in our everyday cleaning and personal care products.